Monday, November 30, 2009

Nyctinastic Movements of Oxalis Regnellii

Here's a picture of my Oxalis Regnellii at night. As you can see the leaves have folded together very tightly.

Oxalis Regnelli Closes Leaves at Night

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Oxalis Regnellii Growing Strong

It's been a little over a month, and my Regnellii plants are doing amazing. :)

Oxalis Regnelli Plants Growing Strong and Healthy

Despite breaking apart the bulbs, the Regnellii are growing just fine. In the future, I think I'll break the Regnellii bulbs apart as much as possible. Hopefully this will give the bulbs plenty of room to grow outward without getting in each other's ways. This should maximize the plant's reproduction.

In the next few days, I hope to post some pictures of the nyctinastic movements of the plants. It's really cool how they open and close their leaves with the day and the night.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Bulbs Have Prouted

After 18 days, two of the four bulbs have just sprouted.  Because we've been getting a lot of bad weather, the growing conditions were mostly cold and dark.  The temperature in my house averaged about 60 degrees, but since I kept the plant by the window, the grow temperature was probably in the high 50s.

The soil I used does not have good drainage, yet the plants are still doing well.

Oxallis Regnellii sprouts beginning to grow

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oxalis Regnellii Bulbs Planted

I bought an Oxalis Regnellii from a lady at a garage sale.  She told me that after the plants go dormant they come back with double the foliage. I wanted to see if it was true, so I let the plants grow for a few months, let them go dormant, and I dug up the bulbs.  The bulbs looked like they could be taken a part, but I wasn't sure.  I decided to take them apart anyways and see if they would still grow. This is what the bulbs looked like when taken apart...